KNX Cable Approval
Oct 06, 2009KNX has replaced EIB (European Installation Bus) EHSA and Batibus as the new European building management system of choice. Meeting IEC/ISO 14543 the system has been widely adopted around the world for its energy saving features and "green" credentials.
Brass Cable Glands & Kits
Oct 02, 2009In addition to plastic glands the range offered now includes: A2 - Single Seal for unarmoured cables CW - Single rubber seal for SWA cables CX - Single rubber seal for braided cables E1W - 2 rubber seals for braided cables E1X - 2 rubber seals for braide
Sep 30, 2009It's often the case with specialist cables that the colour you need is not available, a manufacture production run quantity is too expensive and you are left with a problem. To provide a cost effective solution FSCG have added coloured heatshrink sleevin
Case Study - Dubai Airwing Facility
Sep 03, 2009The Dubai Airwing Facility is a prestigious development to Dubai’s International Airport incorporating hangars for Royal aircraft parking (eight in total), baggage handling, new operations centre and a specialised horse transfer facility. As with all air
May 2009 - OTC, Houston
May 20, 2009FSC Global exhibited at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, USA.
Case Study - Jubail Expert Refinery Project
May 12, 2009Petrochemical refinery projects often combine the talents of many companies from around the world. This can result in equipment manufactured to different international standards being used and a variety of bespoke solutions. The Jubail Expert Refinery pro
Antennax™ - The High Performance, Ultra Low Loss Coaxial Cable
Feb 06, 2009Antennax™ - The High Performance Ultra Low Loss Coaxial Cable Antennax is the new range of high performance, ultra low loss coaxial cables designed to carry signals from a transmitter to an antenna, aerial or dish. Developed for microwave, satellite and
ANT - Cables
Dec 18, 2008FSC Global are expanding the range of "ANT" brand antenna feeder cables for use on mobile phone and microwave communication equipment.
ANT - Cables
Dec 18, 2008FSC Global are expanding the range of "ANT" brand antenna feeder cables for use on mobile phone and microwave communication equipment.
Cable Trivia - Extension or Compensating?
Dec 06, 2008Thermocouple cables are used for measuring temperature and attach to the back of the thermocouple probe. All thermocouple cables come as pairs and have a “type” so you can identify them for usage, types include Kx, Jx, KCB, Ex, Rx (and many more). Each co